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Define a Realm Object Model - Node.js SDK

On this page

  • Define a Realm Object Type
  • Define Realm Object Types with JavaScript Classes
  • Supported Property Types
  • Define Object Properties
  • Specify an Optional Property
  • Specify a Primary Key
  • Index a Property
  • Set a Full-Text Search Index
  • Define a Default Property Value
  • Map a Property or Class to a Different Name
  • Define Relationship Properties
  • Define a To-One Relationship Property
  • Define a To-Many Relationship Property
  • Define an Inverse Relationship Property
  • Define an Embedded Object Property
  • Define an Asymmetric Object
  • Define Unstructured Data

To define a Realm object type, create a schema object that specifies the type's name and properties. The type name must be unique among object types in a realm. For details on how to define specific properties, see Define Object Properties.

You can define your schemas with JavaScript classes (like most of the examples on this page), but you can also define them as JavaScript objects.

const Car = {
name: "Car",
properties: {
_id: "objectId",
make: "string",
model: "string",
miles: "int?",

You can define Realm object types with JavaScript classes. To use a class as an object type, define the object schema on the static property schema.

class Car extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Car",
properties: {
_id: { type: "objectId", default: () => new Realm.BSON.ObjectId() },
make: "string",
model: "string",
miles: "int?",
primaryKey: "_id",


Class names are limited to a maximum of 57 UTF-8 characters.

Pass the class itself to the schema property of the Realm.Configuration object when opening a realm. You can then read and write data normally.

const realm = await{
path: "myrealm",
schema: [Car],
let car1;
realm.write(() => {
car1 = realm.create(Car, {
make: "Nissan",
model: "Sentra",
miles: 1000,

Every property in a Realm object has a strongly defined data type. A property's type can be a primitive data type or an object type defined in the same realm. The type also specifies whether the property contains a single value or a list of values.

Realm supports the following primitive data types:

  • bool for boolean values

  • int and double, which map to JavaScript number values

  • Decimal128 for high precision numbers

  • string

  • date, which maps to Date

  • data, which maps to ArrayBuffer

  • objectId, which maps to ObjectId

To specify that a field contains a list of a primitive value type, append [] to the type name.

To define a property for an object type, create a key-value pair representing the name and data type of the property under the properties field.

The following schema defines a Car type that has these properties: _id make, model, and miles.

class Car extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Car",
properties: {
_id: { type: "objectId", default: () => new Realm.BSON.ObjectId() },
make: "string",
model: "string",
miles: "int?",
primaryKey: "_id",

To mark a property as optional, append a question mark ? to its type.

The following Car schema defines an optional miles property of type int.

class Car extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Car",
properties: {
_id: { type: "objectId", default: () => new Realm.BSON.ObjectId() },
make: "string",
model: "string",
miles: "int?",
primaryKey: "_id",

To specify a property as an object type's primary key, set the schema's primaryKey field to the property name.


A primary key is a property that uniquely identifies an object. Realm automatically indexes primary key properties, which allows you to efficiently read and modify objects based on their primary key.

If an object type has a primary key, then all objects of that type must include the primary key property with a value that is unique among objects of the same type in a realm. An object type may have at most one primary key. You cannot change the primary key property for an object type after any object of that type is added to a realm and you cannot modify an object's primary key value.

The following Car object schema specifies the _id property as its primary key.

class Car extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Car",
properties: {
_id: { type: "objectId", default: () => new Realm.BSON.ObjectId() },
make: "string",
model: "string",
miles: "int?",
primaryKey: "_id",

Realm supports indexing for string, integer, boolean, Date, UUID, and ObjectId properties. To define an index for a given property, set indexed to true.


An index significantly increases the speed of certain read operations at the cost of slightly slower write times and additional storage and memory overhead. Realm stores indexes on disk, which makes your realm files larger. Each index entry is a minimum of 12 bytes. The ordering of the index entries supports efficient equality matches and range-based query operations.

It's best to only add indexes when optimizing the read performance for specific situations.

The following Car object schema defines an index on the _id property.

class Car extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Car",
properties: {
_id: { type: "objectId", indexed: true },
make: "string",
model_name: { type: "string", mapTo: "modelName" },
miles: { type: "int", default: 0 },
primaryKey: "_id",

In addition to standard indexes, Realm also supports Full-Text Search (FTS) indexes on string properties. While you can query a string field with or without a standard index, an FTS index enables searching for multiple words and phrases and excluding others.

For more information on querying FTS indexes, see Filter with Full-Text Search.

To create an FTS index, set the indexed type to 'full-text'. This enables full-text queries on the property. In the following example, we set the indexed type for the name property to 'full-text':

class Book extends Realm.Object<Book> {
name!: string;
price?: number;
static schema: ObjectSchema = {
name: "Book",
properties: {
name: { type: "string", indexed: "full-text" },
price: "int?",

To define a default value, set the value of the property to an object with a type field and a default field.

The following Car object schema specifies a default value of 0 for the miles property:

class Car extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Car",
properties: {
_id: { type: "objectId", indexed: true },
make: "string",
model_name: { type: "string", mapTo: "modelName" },
miles: { type: "int", default: 0 },
primaryKey: "_id",

By default, Realm uses the name defined in the model class to represent classes and fields internally. In some cases, you might want to change this behavior. For example:

  • To make it easier to work across platforms where naming conventions differ. For example, if your Device Sync schema property names use snake case, while your project uses camel case.

  • To change a class or field name without forcing a migration.

  • To support multiple model classes with the same name in different packages.

  • To use a class name that is longer than the 57-character limit enforced by Realm.

You can map a class or property name in your code to a different name to store in a realm. If you write to a synced realm, the Sync schema sees the values stored using the persisted class or property name.

Note that migrations must use the persisted class or property name, and any schema errors reported also use the persisted name.


See also:

Alternatively, you can define your relationships in your App Services app.

A to-one relationship maps one property to a single instance of another object type. For example, you can model a manufacturer having at most one car as a to-one relationship.

To define a to-one relationship property, specify the related object type name as the property type.


To-one relationships must be optional

When you declare a to-one relationship in your object model, it must be an optional property. If you try to make a to-one relationship required, Realm throws an exception at runtime.

The following Manufacturer object schema specifies that a manufacturer may or may not make a single Car. If they do make a Car, Realm links to it through the car property:

class Manufacturer extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Manufacturer",
properties: {
_id: "objectId",
// A manufacturer that may have one car
car: "Car?",
class Car extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Car",
properties: {
_id: "objectId",
make: "string",
model: "string",
miles: "int?",

A to-many relationship maps one property to zero or more instances of another object type. For example, you can model a manufacturer having any number of cars as a to-many relationship.

To define a to-many relationship property, specify the related object type name as a list.

An application could use the following object schemas to indicate that a Manufacturer may make multiple Car objects by including them in its cars property:

class Manufacturer extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Manufacturer",
properties: {
_id: "objectId",
// A manufacturer that may have many cars
cars: "Car[]",
class Car extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Car",
properties: {
_id: "objectId",
make: "string",
model: "string",
miles: "int?",

An inverse relationship property is an automatic backlink relationship. Realm automatically updates implicit relationships whenever an object is added or removed in a corresponding to-many list. You cannot manually set the value of an inverse relationship property.

To define an inverse relationship property, set the property type to linkingObjects and specify the object type and property name that define the relationship to invert.

An application could use the following object schemas to indicate that a Manufacturer may make many Car objects and that each Car should automatically keep track of which Manufacturer makes it.

  • The Manufacturer object's cars property is defined as a to-many relationship
    with Car objects and contains all of a given manufacturer's cars.
  • The Car object's assignee property inverts the relationship and
    automatically updates to refer back to any Manufacturer object that contains the car in its cars property.
class Manufacturer extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Manufacturer",
properties: {
_id: "objectId",
// A manufacturer that may have many cars
cars: "Car[]",
class Car extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Car",
properties: {
_id: "objectId",
make: "string",
model: "string",
miles: "int?",
// Backlink to the manufacturer. This is automatically updated whenever
// this car is added to or removed from a manufacturer's cars list.
assignee: {
type: "linkingObjects",
objectType: "Manufacturer",
property: "cars",

To define a Realm object model with an embedded object (nested Realm object), set embedded to true.

An embedded object exists as nested data inside of a single, specific parent object. It inherits the lifecycle of its parent object and cannot exist as an independent Realm object. Realm automatically deletes embedded objects if their parent object is deleted or when overwritten by a new embedded object instance. Embedded objects cannot have a primary key.

You can reference an embedded object type from parent object types in the same way as a relationship.

The following example requires two parent schemas, Manufacturer and Car. The application requires an embedded child schema Warranty. A Manufacturer object can embed a list of Warranty objects, whereas a Car object can only embed a single Warranty object.

class Manufacturer extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Manufacturer",
properties: {
_id: "objectId",
name: "string",
// Embed an array of objects
warranties: { type: "list", objectType: "Warranty" },
class Car extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Car",
properties: {
_id: "objectId",
make: "string",
model: "string",
miles: "int?",
// Embed one object
warranty: "Warranty",
class Warranty extends Realm.Object {
static schema = {
name: "Warranty",
embedded: true,
properties: {
name: "string",
termLength: "int",
cost: "int",

Changed in version 12.2.1.

If you are using Flexible Sync and need to sync a collection unidirectionally from your device to your Atlas database, you can set the asymmetric property on your object schema.

In Node.js SDK versions 12.2.0 and earlier, you cannot link from asymmetric objects to Realm.Object types. In SDK versions 12.2.1 and later, asymmetric objects can link to Realm.Object types in addition to embedded objects.


Attempting to Read Asymmetric Objects

Asymmetric objects cannot be read. If you attempt to query an Asymmetric object, you will get the following error: "Error: You cannot query an asymmetric class.".

To learn more about Data Ingest, read Optimize Sync with Data Ingest.

New in version 12.9.0.

Starting in Node.js SDK version 12.9.0, you can store collections of mixed data within a mixed property. You can use this feature to model complex data structures, such as JSON or MongoDB documents, without having to define a strict data model.

Unstructured data is data that doesn't easily conform to an expected schema, making it difficult or impractical to model to individual data classes. For example, your app might have highly variable data or dynamic data whose structure is unknown at runtime.

Storing collections in a mixed property offers flexibility without sacrificing functionality, including performant synchronization when using Device Sync. And you can work with them the same way you would a non-mixed collection:

  • You can nest mixed collections up to 100 levels.

  • You can query on and react to changes on mixed collections.

  • You can find and update individual mixed collection elements.

However, storing data in mixed collections is less performant than using a structured schema or serializing JSON blobs into a single string property.

To model unstructured data in your app, define the appropriate properties in your schema as mixed types. You can then set these mixed properties as a list or a dictionary collection of mixed elements. Note that mixed cannot represent a set or an embedded object.


  • Use a map of mixed data types when the type is unknown but each value will have a unique identifier.

  • Use a list of mixed data types when the type is unknown but the order of objects is meaningful.
