Atlas Device SDK for Flutter
Use the Atlas Device SDK for Flutter to write client applications in Dart for the Flutter platform. Read and write data on devices, sync data with Atlas, and use Atlas App Services.
Get Started with the Flutter SDK

Working Example App
Learn by example through dissecting a working app that uses the Flutter SDK.

Guided Tutorial
Follow a guided tutorial to learn how to adapt the example app to create your own working app.
Develop Apps with the SDK
Use the SDK's open-source database - Realm - as an object store on the device. Use Device Sync to keep data in sync with your MongoDB Atlas cluster and other clients.
Recommended Reading

Flutter API Reference
Explore Dart and Flutter reference docs for the SDK on
Dart Standalone SDK
In addition to using the SDK with Flutter, you can also use the SDK with projects that just use Dart, like a CLI application or web server.
The usage for the SDK with Dart is the same as the Flutter SDK, except you must install and set up a separate package.
Example Projects
Explore engineering and expert-provided example projects to learn best practices and common development patterns using the Flutter SDK. Check out the Example Projects page for more Flutter sample apps.

Offline Login and Database Access
Log in a Device Sync user and open a synced database offline.

Provider Shopper
Build a modified Flutter sample app that uses a non-synced database to store data on the device.